Results are verified when they come from a verified event
Verified events are distinguished by the green checkmark next to the event
Verified Results are:
- Marked by a green check mark on your profile
- Provided by event promoters and organizers and automatically verified by Hookit, and matched to your profile
- Higher value points toward your Hookit Score than those results not verified
- Added towards the “Performance” area of your score
- Additional help to your Travel Coverage
Unverified Results are:
- Credited to your score at a lower value than verified results
- Results added to an event created by yourself or another user on the site
Additional Results that don’t belong to you, please:
- Email -
- Make sure to list them out for us to remove, we don't want to remove anything that should be on there
To get new events and results verified:
- Have promoter or event manager email -
Update to Premium
- Some of your results may be eligible for verification, upgrade to premium
- To update to premium head over to the link below to learn more!!