How do I create an Athlete Program?

Hookit Support - Joe Taberna -

The creation of an Athlete Program is an important part of the Hookit process.  The Athlete Program is an essential part of the connection the athlete is looking for from the brand.  Brands should take into consideration why the athlete is there; is it for a deal on product, title status, or just to be the associated with the brand itself?


  • Gain Access to top athletes in sports
  • Provide discounts to customers
  • Create a following for the brand
  • Start, maintain, and be successful in creating an athlete support program

How to Create an Athlete Program:

  • Go to Program Overview, on the right hand side of the Dashboard
  • Select gray Edit Program button
  • Fill out Program Information
  • Adjust accepting dates to a full calendar year
  • Edit Sports Requirements to standards
  • Adjust Demographic Info
  • Edit Location
  • Select Next
  • Add up to 5 custom questions of brands choice
  • Select Save Changes


Hot Tips:

  • Set Sports Requirements to reasonable standards, not everyone will have video of themselves competing
  • Creating custom questions allows the brand to ask product, demographic, purchasing questions to the athlete.
  • Make sure to post the Program is open once you have completed editing the program. 
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